Cafeteria Information

Breakfast and lunch are served each day in the school cafeteria. Students may bring lunch from home or
purchase lunch from the cafeteria. Students who have food allergies are required to submit a Diet Prescription
from his/her doctor. Milk and water are available for purchase to students who bring their lunch and for those who
want extra. Every student has their own lunchroom account.

A la carte items will be priced in the cafeteria and offered to the students. If you do not want your
child/children to purchase a la carte items, please notify the cafeteria manager at 931-962-2320.

Our faculty and staff welcome parents/guardians to have lunch with their children. The
cafeteria manager does ask that notification be made in advance. According to cafeteria guidelines, fast food
items are NOT allowed in the cafeteria.

Students who bring their lunch from home may only bring water or juice drinks (soft drinks are NOT allowed) as
long as they are in no-leak, non-breakable containers. These must remain inside the lunch box/bag until
lunchtime and must be consumed only during lunchtime in the cafeteria.

2023-2024 Elementary Meal Pricing


Student Breakfast          FREE

Student Lunch                 FREE


Holiday plates are $6
Adult breakfast is $2.75
Adult lunch is $4.25
Visitors (including children visitors) $4.25
Child Breakfast FREE
Child Lunch Free 0/ Reduced .25/ paid $2.25

Milk .50
Ala Carte (3rd grade & up) .75